Thursday, October 2, 2014

Illini Bucks

  When students are registering classes, in order to be "fair", school developed a system that senior students and James scholar students would be the the first ones to register. Hence, freshmen would be the last ones to  register for class. Such things seems to be fair, but it definitely would be unfair to lower grade students. Things such as registering for classes or reserve a basketball court are prioritized  or follow the first come first serve policy. 
  If the school is willing to issue a "illini bucks", what students are mostly willing to spend on are perhaps registering for classes, reserve meeting rooms or multipurpose room and reservation in health center. If the school is putting a price on these, I would most likely to spend on registering for class because some classes slot are really hard to get in. I think that most of the use for this illini bucks would be for classes. because some of the classes are only for spring semester or winter semester. Also, in some cases that students wanted to graduate earlier and trying to fit as much as required classes as possible. 
  If the price is too high, students would try to trade in illini bucks with actual money, or some students save up their illini bucks, this would cause unfairness to other regular students because they do not have the power to compete with students that have more illini buck. Another case is that the price that is too high for students that illini bucks would be making any change. Also, if the price is too low, students might be using illini buck on every class they want to register which would also be unfair to students who did not use the money.

1 comment:

  1. One question for you about the priority registering - do freshman and seniors take the same courses? If not, that seniors register first shouldn't impact freshman that much. Or am I missing something in what happens?

    One could also imagine a system where students register partially, but then others get a chance. We don't do this, I suppose, because it would force everyone to come back a second time. But wouldn't that still be fairer?

    What if Illinibucks were used only where there now is first come first serve. Would that work?
